May 31, 2016

How to Add SEO Meta Tags Description to Blogger Post

How to Add SEO Meta Tags Description to Blogger Post
How to Add SEO Meta Tags Description to Blogger Post
How to do seo for blogspot, Mechanical seo is a way obliged to do by a blogger in order to make a post becomes easier in a Google search, seo add Meta Description in the post is important because it will add to the information on the content that we create, the following will be discussed how to search engine optimization (SEO) in the meta tag description in blogger, SEO meta description tag is often considered trivial by some have yet SEO techniques meta tags are very important for a content that is always easily recognized by search engines, how to optimize SEO meta tags Description to Blogger post course, we must know in advance what the Description Meta Tags? meta tag description is a place that is used to add some information on the content that we make or can be called the element that serves to put additional information in an image or the content being created, so the Meta Tags Description enabled to reinforcing the information in order to recognize by search engines like Google, meta tags Description can be used as additional information in the image and content is a combination of keyword and title to be easily recognized by search engines so that when someone searches for a particular word, the meta description tag will display the word has in common with the word in the search by the user.

Once we understand the function and use Meta Tags Description course, we must realize how important an add Meta Tags Description as an outline of the content, with many requests in a way to add Meta Tags Description on blogger then we create an article How to add SEO Meta Tags Description to meet user demand, on this occasion there was a case of like where I display add meta tags Description to Blogger post, because the blogger new version no box of SEO writing meta tags Description so we have to add manually and is very easy for us to come up with meta tags this description, many cases in the new blogger when after writing the content is completed and will write the meta tag description on the box post meta tags Description page, post does not appear meta tags Description, so we must do the settings to come up with meta tags Description in the post as a key word a content, how to add SEO Meta Description tags will be more clearly Blogger video tutorial to see how to add Meta Description tags to Blogger post but here we will explain how to display the meta tag description at blogger post.
How to show your Meta Description Tags to Blogger post by:

1. Go to our blog dashboard and select settings

our blog dashboard and select settings
our blog dashboard and select settings

2. Search Preferences  >  meta tag and click edit

Preferences  meta tag and click edit
 Preferences  meta tag and click edit

3. Select yes and save the change.
Select yes and save the change
Select yes and save the change

Here's how to apply SEO bloggers with posts and tips to add Meta Description Tags to Blogger post, for that is unclear can ask in the comments and will be more clear if you see and  listen to this video tutorial.

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May 21, 2016

Tutorial How to Convert JAR to EXE using Launch4j

Tutorial How to Convert JAR to EXE using Launch4j
Tutorial How to Convert JAR to EXE using Launch4j
 In this tutorial we will discuss How to Convert jar to exe Using launch4j, free software to convert from jar to exe we can get it for free because the software launch4j licensed BSD, for those of you who do not already have software launch4j you can download launch4j first to be directly convert jar to exe. before we start to convert .jar to .exe way we need to know in advance what is the .jar and .exe., is a .jar extension stands for Java Archive, JAR file extension is a collection of files complications java classes and supporting files another is to compress the result of programming and program design can already run and has become an application.

While the .EXE file is How to Convert jar to exe Using launch4j a way to make an application that can run on the operating system, the .EXE is a file which is an extension that is so that we can immediately execute or we executable only by clicking the .EXE file. Here is How to Convert jar to exe Using launch4j, okay just after you install launch4j then open / run the software launch4j to immediately begin to convert JAR to EXE, we will be setting launch4j only the essentials only the following are examples of setting Launch4j.

1. Once the application is open launch4j have a view as follows, to start convert jar to exe, the basic view, we point * output file to save the EXE file on our hard drive. In the column * Jar we point where we store the jar file that we will make EXE. And to add an icon to the EXE files we could add through a column of icons, but you must have an air picture Ico extension, while the other column you can browse according to your taste.
to start convert jar to exe,
to start convert jar to exe

 2. On the header menu we select the GUI, because the file that we will make EXE has the look of the graphic user interface, if the jar file you just have a simple display you can select Console.
graphic user interface
graphic user interface

 3. On the JRE you are required to include such instance version 1.0.1 version and please fill in the fields because only as supplementary information only.
On the JRE
On the JRE

 4. After you have finished adding information, we immediately convert jar to exe with a picture of the menu click wheel gears and you can see the results of the .EXE file that was so. Good luck, for those of you who are still confused to Convert jar to exe Using launch4j you can comment here.

More detail see This Video

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